Lifeblood FMT
On 20 September 2024, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) notified Lifeblood that our submission for Lifeblood Microbiota Transplant (faecal microbiota cryopreserved in glycerol) Suspension 150 g has been approved (AUST I 462465).
Intended use:
For the restoration of the gut microbiota in the management of gastrointestinal disorders.
Additional conditions of inclusion:
Product must only be provided for use by a medical practitioner registered in an Australian state or territory, under the supervision or on the advice of a specialist gastroenterologist or infectious disease clinician. Product must not be released for use in conditions other than Clostridioides difficile infection, unless as part of a registered clinical trial, via the Special Access Scheme or via the Authorised Prescriber Scheme.