Whether it's a special occasion or another day at the home-office, it's always a good time to do something amazing for someone else. Check out these ideas that don't require wrapping: they'll make you feel great, and some of them will save lives!

If you're eligible to donate, you can give on behalf of someone you love. Simply download a card, book a donation and dedicate it to your loved one today.
Want a gift that requires no money and no agonising over what to get someone who has hobbies you've never heard of? Ask someone to donate plasma or blood on your behalf.

This is another one you can do whether or not you are a blood donor. Gather your eligible mates, workmates, neighbours or family and help them into a regular donating schedule by registering a Lifeblood Team.
Your group can span suburbs or states, every donation made in that group’s name counts toward your lifesaving tally. Surely the best ‘dream team’.

A financial donation to the Red Cross will go towards helping our most vulnerable community members. Donations are tax-deductible and can be made online, so you don’t even need to leave your home to help.

Are you looking to give back, help support others or make a difference? If you're 16 years or older, find out how you can volunteer at Lifeblood. By delivering exceptional experiences for our donors, you could help provide a safe and sufficient blood supply for the many Australians in need. If you’re interested, check out our volunteer opportunities today.

Australia needs a new donor every 5 minutes. How many of those new donors are in your community? Help us reach them by sharing these messages.



Organ and tissue