News and stories

Giving life is vital... and so are these top reads and fun facts from behind the scenes, to keep front of mind.

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COVID essentials

Discover the latest on COVID and donating blood, including how long you might need to wait to donate, or wearing a mask.

Media centre

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Media releases and statements

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View stories from the incredible people who donate or receive the gift of life, from blood to breast milk.

I love that feeling of joy from helping someone out; that my blood has made a difference to another person's life.

Jackie, blood donor

It's my way of giving to the community – I don't get much time to volunteer but I can always find time to donate blood.

Nicola, blood donor

It takes me about a day to get back up after a treatment. I feel amazing. It’s probably what feels normal to everyone else, but it feels special to me.

Hayley, plasma recipient

Trending research

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