Most popular resources
Download our top 10 resources for health professionals to support safe transfusion practice.
Transfusion orientation pack
This pack has been developed to promote safe transfusion practice and deliver education and training materials to junior medical officers.
Maternity blood management resources
Following successful collaboration with three health services, Lifeblood has developed a suite of free resources for anyone involved in antenatal care to improve the detection and management of iron deficiency and anaemia in pregnant women.
Paediatric and neonatal transfusion
This range of neonatal and paediatric resources highlight examples of shared decision-making when a transfusion is being considered for a neonate and a paediatric patient. Information covered includes explaining the benefits and risks of a blood transfusion to parents whose child requires a transfusion and how to gather informed consent.
Pack check
Correct patient and pack identification remains one of the most prevalent and preventable hazards of transfusion. These tools will help teach and reinforce good transfusion practice for nurses, midwives and medical students.