Thinking about getting inked?

Thinking about getting inked?

Adding a micro tatt to your sticker sleeve? Or maybe you’re finally getting that realistic tiger inked on your back? Well, we have good news for you: you can have tattoos and be a blood donor.

Here’s what you need to know.

Some people think tattoos rule you out of donating blood, but that just isn’t true. That myth is one of the reasons we’ve pulled together this helpful little list of tips of what to do and what not to do when you book your next tattoo in.

Of course, you should always follow the advice of your tattoo artist and your doctor.

DO come in to donate before you get your tattoo

So, you’ve got your design ready and you’ve booked a spot with your favourite artist. There’s nothing quite like having a fresh tattoo on the horizon. What better way to kill some time while you wait for that appointment than coming in to donate with us? If you can squeeze in a donation (remember you can give plasma every two weeks!) before you get inked, you’ll be helping to save lives.

DON’T scratch your piece

I know, I know — “but it’s so itchy.” Tempting as it may be, you should never scratch your fresh tattoo. Not only could it cause your tattoo to become patchy, the contact between the bacteria on your hand and an open wound could cause an infection. Just like when you leave your blood donation, you should leave your tattoo covered for a couple of hours.

DO use antiseptic skin cream

Any artist worth their salt will go through tattoo aftercare with you, and you’ll most likely be told to grab some antiseptic skin cream from the pharmacy on your way home. Much like keeping your hands away from your fresh tatt, you should be using antiseptic cream (as directed) to avoid an infection.

DON’T go for a swim

Like we mentioned earlier, your tattoo is basically an open wound. It’s never a good idea to have your fresh tattoo submerged in water because you could be subjecting it to a bacteria invasion. If you do experience any pain, swelling, inflammation or discharge you should seek medical advice immediately.

DO show us your new art

As long as your tattoo was done on licensed premises in Australia (like any commercial tattoo parlour or a cosmetic clinic) and is healing well, you can book in to donate plasma. And if you got a home tatt or went overseas, that’s ok — you’ll be able to donate plasma again in four months. And by that time, you’ll be ready to donate blood and platelets, too!

Did you know that blood actually plays a really important role in keeping the ink in your tattoo in place? Read about it here.


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