The doctors of tomorrow saving lives today

The doctors of tomorrow saving lives today

Monash University Medical Undergraduates Society are working together to give life.

Since the team’s inception in 2014, The Monash University Medical Undergraduates Society (MUMUS) has made thousands of donations, saving countless lives. Through social media campaigns, blood drives and group bookings, MUMUS has been able to foster a community of like-minded students ready to roll up their sleeves and give blood.

“As medical students and future doctors, we see the need for blood every day at placement and in the community” – MUMUS Team Champion, Connor Fisher

With over 1000 members, MUMUS relies on a combination of digital comms and in-person events to help foster their community. Outside of organised events, many students use their donation as an opportunity to catch up with friends. Even when a student does book a solo donation, the MUMUS team is so big it’s not uncommon to see a friendly face in centre.

Unlike other donors, MUMUS team members are constantly reminded why it takes all of us to save lives. During their clinical placements, students will see all manner of blood products used to treat patients. Team Champion Connor Fisher, explains, “Almost everybody…has seen some form of blood product administered. I’ve seen blood administered during births, during trauma, and during cancer treatment.” These stark reminders help motivate the MUMUS Team to continue donating, giving them a way to save lives even before they begin their careers in medicine.

With a 10-year history of giving blood, students of MUMUS Lifeblood Team have had an incredible impact on the lives of countless recipients, but they can’t do it alone. It takes all of us to save lives. If you want to make a difference, book a donation today. 


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