Life is the reason

“_________ is the reason…”

1. Check you can donate

More than half of the population is eligible to donate blood. You probably are too.

Take the quiz
2. Find where to do it

We’re all over. Check near your home, work, uni, your kids’ school, your parent’s place, your hairdresser…

Search for a donor centre
3. Book it in

See when spots are available at your local centre then set a time for your first donation. Saving lives, no biggie.

Book now

Donating 101

a man seated in a donor chair with a bandage around his right elbow and smiling
Blood, plasma or platelets?

Blood is just blood, right? Not exactly. Discover the different types of donation.

What you can donate
a woman is seated at a table smiling while a nurse performs a finger prick test
What should I donate?

Whatever your blood type, you’re our type. But, it can affect what you donate.

See which donation for your type
a man holding a cracker with cheese and smiling
Before, during and after

How donating works and what to do before and after. (Yes, there will be free snacks…)

Discover what to expect