Transfusion compatible component requests

Testing is performed for patients requiring HLA-HPA compatible platelet transfusion support and renal patients requiring HLA compatible red cell transfusion support. 

Click on the below links for the appropriate request form.

Platelet transfusion support (Platelet refractoriness, platelet congenital disorders and HLA mismatched stem cell transplants)
DescriptionHLA/HPA antibody investigations for patients requiring HLA or HPA compatible platelets for transfusio
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-01326 - Request for HLA-HPA Compatible Platelets - Clinical Information and Investigation Request form
Test performed by

NTIS – New South Wales

QTIS – Queensland

SATIS – South Australia

VTIS - Victoria

HLA/HPA-compatible platelet searching performed by

VTIS – Victoria

NTIS – New south Wales

HLA-compatible red cell transfusion support (Renal patients)
DescriptionHLA antibody investigations for renal patients requiring HLA-compatible red cells for transfusion
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02638  - HLA Compatible Red Cells Clinical Request form
Test performed by

NTIS – New South Wales

QTIS – Queensland

SATIS – South Australia

VTIS - Victoria

HLA-compatible red cell searching performed byVTIS - Victoria