Platelet and neutrophil testing

Labelling requirements for all tests

Request forms and sample labels must be completed accurately and have legible handwriting. Alternatively, the request form can be filled out online or a hospital label can be used.

Ensure the request form contains a minimum of three forms of unique identifiers (e.g., full name, date of birth, UR/MRN).

Ensure that all tubes, at a minimum, are clearly labelled with the below information and the information on the form matches that on the sample tube(s): 

  • patient’s full name (family name and given name/s) 
  • date of birth, and
  • date of collection, as indicated on the request form. 
Autoantibodies for immune thrombocytopenia
DescriptionDetection of autoantibodies against platelets, which can lead to immune thrombocytopenia
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02189 - Platelet Investigation
Test performed by

QTIS - Queensland

VTIS - Victoria

Post-transfusion purpura (PTP)
DescriptionIdentifies antibodies against platelet-specific antigens that develop  as a delayed blood transfusion reaction, leading to a sudden drop in platelet count
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02189 - Platelet Investigation
Test performed by

QTIS - Queensland

VTIS - Victoria

Platelet glycoprotein expression
DescriptionMeasures the levels of glycoproteins IIb/IIIa and Ib/IX on the surface of platelets using flow cytometry. Aids in diagnosis of Glanzmann thrombasthenia and Bernard-Soulier syndrome, by identifying deficiencies in these glycoproteins.
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02189 - Platelet Investigation
Test performed byQTIS - Queensland
Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia (DITP)
DescriptionDetects antibodies that react with platelets only in the presence of a specific drug, leading to thrombocytopenia. Suspected drug must be provided for the investigation.
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02189 - Platelet Investigation
Test performed by

QTIS - Queensland

VTIS - Victoria

Fetal neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT)
DescriptionIdentifies maternal antibodies against fetal platelet antigens, which can cause thrombocytopenia in the fetus or newborn
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02191 - Fetal Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) Investigation
Test performed by

QTIS - Queensland

VTIS - Victoria

Neonatal alloimmune neutropenia (NAIN)

Detects maternal antibodies against fetal neutrophil antigens, leading to neutropenia in the newborn. 

Specimens should be collected on Wednesdays and sent directly to QTIS laboratory. 

Testing is only conducted weekly on Thursday. 

Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02300 - Neutrophil Investigation
Test performed byQTIS - Queensland
Autoimmune neutropenia

Detects autoantibodies against neutrophils, which can lead to neutropenia.

Specimens requiring autologous testing should be collected on Wednesdays and sent directly to QTIS laboratory. 

Testing is only conducted weekly on Thursday.

Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02300 - Neutrophil Investigation
Test performed byQTIS - Queensland
Transfusion associated acute lung injury (TRALI)
DescriptionIdentifies HNA and/or HLA antibodies in the donor’s plasma that react with the recipient’s leucocytes, causing lung injury
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02300 - Neutrophil Investigation
Test performed byQTIS - Queensland
Drug-induced immune neutropenia

Detects antibodies that react with neutrophils only in the presence of a specific drug, leading to neutropenia. 

Suspected drug must be provided for the investigation.

Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02300 - Neutrophil Investigation
Test performed byQTIS - Queensland
IgA antibodies
DescriptionDetects antibodies to human IgA protein which may lead to adverse transfusion reactions
Request form including sample requirements, storage/transport instructions, and turnaround timesFRM-02299 - IgA Antibody Investigation
Test performed byQTIS - Queensland

Further information