Immunogenetics - Disease and pharmacogenetics HLA association testing

TIS provides testing for patients to determine if they have HLA alleles defining genetic susceptibility with diseases or hypersensitivities to certain drugs. The presence or absence of the HLA allele can affect the clinical management of the patient. Confirmatory HLA typing is recommended for pharmacogenetic HLA associations due to the risk to the patient.

Well-documented HLA allele associations with these diseases and pharmacogenetic hypersensitivities can be invoiced through the Medicare schedule in some states (VIC, NSW). Testing for disease associations or drug hypersensitivities that are not eligible for Medicare invoicing is subject to written informed financial consent from the patient.

For patients that are part of a clinical trial, refer to the TIS External Clinical Trials and Research page for further information.

Refer to the tables below for well-documented HLA allele associations with diseases and drug sensitivities. For testing outside the below list, please contact the relevant laboratory.

HLA allele associations with diseases and drug sensitivities
PharmacogeneticsHLA allele associationMedicare rebate (Y/N)
Abacavir hypersensitivity
(includes Abacavir-based drugs if trial participant is not indicated)
(also see Flucloxacillin)
Allopurinol hypersensitivityB*58:01Y
Augmentin hypersensitivity
(Amoxicillin-Clavulanatic acid)
DRB1*15:01 and
Carbamazepine (Tegretol), oxcarbazepine, Lamotrigine, Phenytoin hypersensitivity or Steven-Johnson syndromeB*15:02, 15:08, 15:11, 15:21 or A*31:01 or A *24:02Y
Dapsone hypersensitivityB*13:01Y
Flucloxacillin drug-induced liver injury (DILI)B*57:01Y
Tebentefusp for Melanoma (Uveal/ocular)A*02:01Y
Vancomycin hypersensitivityA*32:01Y
Actinic prurigoDRB1*04:07Y
Ankylosing spondylitisB*27Y
Anti-IgLON5 DiseaseDRB1*10:01, DQB1*05:01Y
Auto-immune hepatitisDRB1*03, DRB1*04 or DRB1*07Y
Behçet’s diseaseB*51 (B5)Y
Birdshot retinopathy/choroidopathy/posterior uveitisA*29Y
Coeliac diseaseDQB1*02 and/or DQA1*05, DQB1*03:02 (DQ2/DQ8)Y
Dermatitis herpetiformisDQB1*02 and/or DQA1*05, DQB1*03:02 (DQ2/DQ8)Y
Goodpasture’s syndromeDRB1*15Y
Juvenile idiopathic arthritisB*27Y
Narcolepsy (with cataplexy)DQB1*06:02Y
Psoriasis vulgarisC*06Y
Psoriatic arthritisB*27Y
Reiter’s disease or Reactive arthritis, Juvenile chronic arthritisB*27Y
Rheumatoid arthritisB*27, DRB1*04Y
Uveitis, acute anterior uveitis or iritisB*51 (B5), B*27Y
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease (VKH)DRB1*04Y
Addison’s DiseaseDRB1*03:01 and DQB1*02; or DRB1*04:04 and DQB1*03N
Alopecia areataDRB1*04 and DQB1*03; or DRB1*11 and DQB1*03N
Graves’ diseaseB*08, DRB1*03:01N
Hashimoto’s thyroiditisDRB1*03N
Myasthenia gravisDRB1*03:01, 07N
Recurrent MiscarriageN/AN
Sjogren’s or Sicca SyndromeDRB1*03:01, DRB1*15N
Strontium ranelateHLA-A*33:03 or B*58:01N
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)DRB1*03N
Tests performed including turnaround time

NSW & VIC - HLA typing - low resolution (LabType)

SA -  HLA Class I + II (A,B,C,DR,DQ, DP) Typing - high resolution

Request form

NSW - FRM-01679 - Immunogenetics Service

VIC - FRM-01335 - VTIS request form

SA -  FRM-01336 - SATIS Laboratory

Sample and labelling requirementsFRM-02565 - Sample and volume requirements 
Storage and transport

Storage and transport at room temperature. 

Samples should be received by the laboratory within 24 hours of collection.

Ensure samples are packed in a secure container and the outside of the transport container is clearly labelled with the delivery address.

InvoicingContact relevant laboratory
Special instructions

The following information is required for Medicare eligible tests:

Patient Medicare number and post code, requesting doctors name and provider number and the clinical reason for testing.

Further information