Does my job affect whether I can donate?

For most people, not at all.

You can still donate blood if you work in an abattoir, or as a healthcare worker. But, if you're a professional/elite athlete there are some things to consider before you donate.

We don't recommend giving blood or plasma during a competitive period or season. It could have a temporary impact on performance — it’s common to feel a bit tired after donating. Consider donating during your off-season or if you’re taking a break from competition.

Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) has strict guidelines about recording every blood donation.

Donating platelets will breach SIA/WADA guidelines.

Double check with your sport’s governing body, the SIA or the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) website or your medical team. We love your dedication to saving lives, but we don’t want to get you in trouble!