Ms Annette Ruhotas AM

Ms Annette Ruhotas AM

Ms Annette Ruhotas AM

Current positions 
  • Deputy President & Board Member, Australian Red Cross Society
  • Council Member, Medical Council of NSW
  • Director, The Reconnect Project Ltd
  • Independent Expert Member, NSW Department Planning, Industry & Environment, Local Planning Panels
  • Director, Kimbriki Environmental Enterprises Pty Ltd
  • Board Member, NSW Board of the Medical Board of Australia
  • Committee Member, Therapeutic Goods Administration
  • Committee Member, Australasian College of Emergency Medicine
  • Consultant, Social Impact Hub Pty Ltd
  • Founder & Principal Consultant, Be The Change Consulting Group
Former positions 
  • Former Director, Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Ltd
  • Former Clinical Council Member, Central & Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (PHN)
  • Former Clinical Academic Group Member, Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research & Enterprise (SPHERE)
  • Former Chair & Board Member, Playgroup NSW Inc
  • BEng
  • BTeach


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