Associate Professor Lacey Johnson

A photo of A/Prof Lacey Johnson

A/Prof Lacey Johnson

Principal Research Fellow

UTS, Visiting Scholar Adjunct A/Prof, School of Science, RMIT University

Connect with A/Prof Johnson

Lacey’s work is centred on improving the quality of platelets for transfusion through alternative storage conditions, including cryopreservation and refrigeration.

Lacey has a strong track record of achievement having authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications, supervision of successful PhD, Honours and summer students and being the recipient of numerous national and international awards and grants.

  • ANZSBT Research Fund (2023)
  • ARC Linkage Project Grant (2020)
  • ANZSBT Research Fund (2019)
  • NHMRC Project Grant (2018)
  • Military Health System Research Symposium Award for Excellence (2018)
  • UTS Alumni Award for Excellence for the Faculty of Science (2015)
  • ANZSBT Research Fund (2015)
  • CSL Behring Overseas Travel Grant (2014)
  • Employee Awards Program, Australian Red Cross Blood Service (2014)
  • ANZSBT Travel Grant (2013)
  • Defence Health Foundation Grant for Medical Research (2013)
  • ANZCA Academic Enhancement Grant (2013)
  • Supervisor of PhD, Masters and Honours students
  • Peer Reviewer for multiple journals, including Transfusion, ISBT Science Series, Vox Sanguinis, Transfusion and Apheresis Science, Blood, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
  • Secretary for ISBT Blood Components Working Party

Key publications

Identification of platelet subpopulations in cryopreserved platelet components using multi-colour imaging flow cytometry.
Johnson L, Lei P, Waters L, Padula MP, Marks DC.
Scientific Reports
13, 1221
Extended storage of thawed platelets: Refrigeration supports postthaw quality for 10 days
Johnson L, Vekariya S, Tan S, Padula MP, Marks DC
A randomized, controlled pilot clinical trial of cryopreserved platelets for perioperative surgical bleeding: the CLIP-I trial (Editorial, p. 2759)
Reade MC, Marks DC, Bellomo R, Deans R, Faulke DJ, Fraser JF, Gattas DJ, Holley AD, Irving DO, Johnson L, Pearse BL, Royse AG, Wong J
Refrigeration and cryopreservation of platelets differentially affect platelet metabolism and function: a comparison with conventional platelet storage conditions
Johnson L, Tan S, Wood B, Davis A, Marks DC
The hemostatic activity of cryopreserved platelets is mediated by phosphatidylserine-expressing platelets and platelet microparticles
Johnson L, Coorey CP, Marks DC